
Chun-Hui Li

Cognitive Psychologist

李俊輝 (Chun-Hui Li) ,彰化小孩,四年雲林生活後即移居台北。誰能肯定自己未來在哪,只好不斷去尋找自己在哪,始終相信歲月總是能襯托出你內心那份自我價值的清澈。成長經驗略懂電腦科學、略懂認知神經科學、略懂語言學。

I was a visiting student in Prof. Cichy’s Lab starting from October 2021, working on a 3D perception project that investigates how the spatiotemporal representations of distances and surface normals are integrated into the 3D scene information under spatial perception.

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